!Code HNY25 – 75 color credits, 2.5m RC, 25m yen, and 25 levels

!Code HappyHolidays24! – 75 color credits, 2.5m RC, 25m yen, and 25 levels

!Code AllIWantForChristmasIsCodes – 75 color credits, 2.5m RC, 25m yen, and 25 levels

!Code Isn’t it Beautiful? – rewards

!Code TheNextUpdateIsSoBeautiful – 20 color credits, 2M RC, 20M yen, and 20 levels

!Code GFBDAY24 – 50 color credits, 2M RC, 20M yen, and 20 levels

!Code Thanksgiving24 – 60 color credits

!Code BoysARunner – 1M RC and 500k yen

!Code DayOfTheDead24 – rewards

!Code Hallow24 – rewards

!Code ISurvivedLegacyDashControls – 60 color credits and 40 levels

!Code TY FOR PLAYING 🙂 – re-do focus, 30 color credits, 1M RC, and 10M yen

!Code ReJ13 – 13 levels

!Code OOPS TWO CODES – 10M yen

!Code 1M-GROUP-MEMBERS – 100 color credits, 1M RC, and 1M yen

!Code RGISBACK! – 1M RC and 500k yen

!Code TG-10th-ANNIVERSARY – 1M RC and 500k yen

!Code 070424 – 1M RC and 500k yen

!Code trainerbrainrot – 1M RC and 10m yen

!Code ReCode! – ten levels or 30 color credits (new servers only)

!Code ANNIVERSARY-6 – 6M RC, 60m yen, and 60 color credits

!Code Gullible – rewards

!Code Ribbon – 30 color credits

!Code HAPPY 2024 – RC, yen, and color credits

!Code STAR OF 2024 – exclusive mask

!Code 2M FAVS – rewards

!Code ALL HAIL PVP KING BLOOD! – exclusive mask

!Code Hallow23 – 1,000,000 RC and 500,000 yen

!Code ANNIVERSARY-5 – 4M RC and 4M yen

!Code 500MV – 500k RC and 500k yen
